Red Pine

Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang


English Name: Inula and Hematite Decoction

Source: Discussion of Cold Damage (c. 220)

Ingredients for 1 bulk herb vacuum sealed bag: 

Xuan Fu Hua (Inulae Flos) 18g
Dai Zhe Shi (Haematitum) 18g
Zhi Ban Xia (Pinelliae Rhizoma preparatum) 18g
Dang Shen (Codonopsis Radix) 24g
Zhi Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata) 6g
Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens) * 12g
Da Zao (Jujubae Fructus) * 8 pieces 
*  Sheng Jiang and Da Zao are not included and should be added by the practitioner or patient before cooking.

Suggested dose: 1 bag over 2-4 days. The above dosage is doubled from the original source.

* Notice the drop-down box above for multiple options. Please choose carefully :)

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