Red Pine

4. Generate Yang Fluids and Enrich the Yin Fluids


Presentation: Intestines and Stomach are dry; wasting and thirsting disorder and constipation

Ingredients for 1 bulk herb vacuum sealed bag:


Sheng Di (Rehmanniae Radix) 18g
Huo Ma Ren (Cannabis Semens) 18g
Shi Hu (Dendrobii Herba) 18g
Lu Gen (Phragmitis Rhizoma) 60g
Bai Shao (Paeoniae Radix alba) 9g
Zhi Mu (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) 9g
Tian Hua Fen (Trichosanthis Radix)  18


Suggested dose: 1 bag over 2-4 days. The above dosage is doubled from the original source.

Notes: This is the formula for Qin Bo-Wei's treatment method #4 for Deficiency (p. 127 in Qin Bo-Wei's 56's Treatment Methods, Writing Precise Prescriptions.

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