Why use Red Pine Chinese Herbs?
Quite simply, Red Pine Chinese Herbs aims to enable practitioners to provide the highest quality, most effective bulk Chinese herbal medicine with the ease and profitability of off the shelf formulas.
The following points make Red Pine Chinese Herbs stand out:
Red Pine Chinese Herbs was founded by practitioners who have used multiple brands of bulk herbs, granular herbs, tinctures, and patent formulas over the years. Through years of clinical experience, along with active ongoing conversations with colleagues and observation of senior doctors in Taiwan and China, we firmly believe that “bulk is best” and that properly prescribed Chinese bulk herbs are the most effective, fast-acting and side effect-free form of Chinese herbal medicine available.
We carry a wide selection of classic formulas as well as elegant modern formulas that have been tested through decades of modern clinical experience.
Professional & Attractive Packaging
Our vacuum sealed formulas come in convenient, attractive, stand up pouches which are shelf-stable and easy to store or display in your clinic. Each pouch is clearly labeled with detailed information on ingredients, cooking instructions, and lot numbers for traceability.
Modern patients expect professionally packaged products, and confidence and compliance increase when they know exactly what is in their formula, and that they are getting a precise professional mixture.
For more tips on improving patient compliance with bulk herbs, click here.
Quality Assurance & Traceability
Red Pine Chinese Herbs proudly uses Spring Wind's premium and organic raw herbs almost exclusively.

Although many companies offer Chinese herbs in the United States, Spring Wind not only starts with some of the best quality herbs available, but they also provide extensive additional testing and transparency. Spring Wind Organic herbs are USDA certified, and Premium herbs are rigorously tested for both sulfur and pesticides. More about Spring Wind's product quality.
The majority of Red Pine's herbal processing (pao zhi) is done in-house, and not sourced out to companies that often start with inferior quality herbs. We are committed to not cutting corners and following traditional methods, resulting in an exceptionally high quality pao zhi product. Thus your pre-made formulas are guaranteed only to contain the highest grade medicinals available in the US.
Red Pine Chinese Herbs operates in the spirit of GMP. A lot number is assigned to each bag of herbs, documenting the source of every ingredient and ensuring traceability.
Finally, each formula at Red Pine is prepared by a Chinese medicine student or practitioner and checked by a second licensed practitioner for correct dosage and herb identification.
At Red Pine, we start with the freshest herbs available, and all formulas are vacuum sealed to maintain freshness. Our back stock is tightly sealed and many herbs are refrigerated. High volume means that we go through herbs quickly, and the dry climate of our base in Colorado further reduces the chance of deterioration due to moisture.
Attention to detail
Herbal Preparation (pao zhi)
We make great efforts in using the specific preparation methods indicated by original authors of formulas. For example, when Jiu Xi Dang Gui (wine-washed Angelicae sinensis Radix) is called for we do not just substitute Dang Gui. We believe that such attention to detail greatly enhances a formula's efficacy and reduces side-effects. We offer hundreds of herbal preparation options. Read more about herbal preparations here.
Packaging and cooking instructions
Each formula is packaged so that your patient can cook it properly by following the clearly written, formula specific instructions on the back of each bag. Thus, along with the main cook in each bag, there may also be a packet to precook, add, dissolve, or take with the strained decoction (chong fu).Each formulas’ specific cooking instructions are clearly printed on the back of each bag, with space for the practitioner to add instructions or modifications as well.
Customers may request a cooking instruction sheet template with your pharmacy name on it. Please email us if you are interested.
Price and Value
Red Pine products are priced at wholesale costs to allow for practitioner markup. Each formula is priced per gram of each individual ingredient, so that you pay for exactly what you get.With Red Pine formulas, you know that your patients are getting the highest quality, most effective form of Chinese herbal medicine based on your personal prescription. You can spend your time focusing on diagnosis and treatment, and your patients’ herbs will be ready to go when they walk out the door, providing income for your business with virtually no added effort on your part.
Custom Formulas and Easy Modifications
Red Pine Chinese Herbs is run by practitioners, for practitioners. We are built on a passionate commitment to Chinese herbal medicine as it has been traditionally and originally practiced, and our goal is to support practitioners in safely offering the most effective form of Chinese medicine to their patients.