Red Pine Chinese Herbs
Custom Yoni Steam
Experience a nourishing and powerful self-treatment to benefit the uterus, regulate irregular cycles, reduce menstrual pain, support fertility and reproductive health, and restore balance. The beauty of our custom formulations is that we can create a formula specifically to meet your individual needs.
Yoni Steam cleanses support both spiritual and emotional healing, deeply connected with your feminine center.
You'll be provided with a powerful blend of herbs is good for five (5) steams. After each steam, the decoction can be used as a one-time douche in the shower.
Urban Herbs has a full line of Yoni Steaming herbs. Consider other variants found under the Yoni Steam collection. The customized formula option is available for an additional fee based upon an herbal consultation with one of our practitioners. You will fill out an intake form with us describing your health concern, goal for treatment, and any allergies. From there, a licensed practitioner will help create a unique combination of herbs for you. Please reach out to us directly at info@urbanherbsco.com with any questions you may have.
If you add this Custom option to your shopping cart, upon purchase you will be receiving an email from us to discuss your case further. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours please contact us.