Red Pine

Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang


English Name: Poria, Licorice, Schisandra, Ginger, and Asarum Decoction

Source: Essentials from the Golden Cabinet (c. 220)

Ingredients for one raw herb sealed bag: 

Fu Ling (Poria) 24g
Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 18g
Gan Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma) 18g 
Xi Xin (Asari Herba) (granular)* 3.6g
Wu Wei Zi (Schisandrae Fructus) 18g

* It is currently illegal to use bulk Xi Xin in the United States for internal use. Therefore we use a certified aristolic acid free granular version. It is a 5:1 extract and the dosage is adjusted accordingly. It should be dissolved into the strained decoction.

Suggested dose: 1 bag over 2-4 days. The above dosage is doubled from the original source.


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