Urban Herbs
This nourishing tea, made with high quality Chinese herbs and organic Red Raspberry Leaf and Gunpowder Green, uses natural properties to help soothe the symptoms of menopause. Place 2 teaspoons of the loose leaf tea in 8 oz. of hot water, steep for 4 minutes, then enjoy!
Fu Ling (Poria), Mai Men Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis), Mu Dan Pi (Cortex Moutan), Shan Yao (Rhizoma Dioscoreae), Shan Zhu Yu (Fructus Corni), Sheng Ma (Rhizoma Cimicifugae), Shu Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae Preparata), Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae), Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis), Zhi Mu (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae)