Red Pine
Xing Su San
English Name: Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder
Source: Systematic Differentiation of Warm Pathogen Diseases (1798)
Ingredients for 1 bulk herb vacuum sealed bag:
Zi Su Ye (Perillae Folium) | 18g |
Qian Hu (Peucedani Radix) | 18g |
Xing Ren (Armeniacae Semen) | 18g |
Jie Geng (Platycodi Radix) | 12g |
Zhi Ke (Aurantii Fructus) | 12g |
Chen Pi (Citri reticulatae Pericarpium)
12g |
Fu Ling (Poria) | 18g |
Zhi Ban Xia (Pinelliae Rhizoma preparatum) | 18g |
Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix)
6g |
Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens) * | 4-6 slices |
Da Zao (Jujubae Fructus) | 5 pieces |
* Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens) is not included and should be added by the practitioner or patient before cooking.
Suggested dose: 1 bag over 2-4 days. The above dosage is doubled from the original source.